All Past Events


October 23, 2018: Oregon Health Experts Call for Transparency, Competition, State Action on Drug Pricing

Oregon legislators, health policy analysts and industry experts discussed the barriers to affordable drugs at ...

September 27, 2018: Experts Support Single-Payer Health Care But Would It Work?

Experts at Oregon Health Forum event said a single-payer system would improve access to care, ...

June 21, 2018: Will CCO 2.0 Go Far Enough?

Leaders push for bridges, not silos, among providers for the next stage of Medicaid in ...

April 27, 2018: Looking Beyond Healthcare in Effort to Improve Health

Panelists at Oregon Health Forum’s Social Determinants of Health breakfast forum said more data is ...

April 6, 2018: Surveying Healthcare Challenges, Wyden Sees 2017 as a Year of Wins

Speaking from downtown Portland on April 6th, 2018, the U.S. senator said Medicare and children’s ...

March 22, 2018: Leaders Call for Far-Reaching Changes to Meet Oregon’s Healthcare Workforce Needs

How insurance companies pay providers, how universities work with hospitals, how accrediting bodies set requirements, ...

January 30, 2018: Stable, Professional, Transparent: Leaders Articulate Goals for Oregon’s Continued Health Reforms

The week before the state Legislature convenes for a short session, agency leaders and elected ...

December 13, 2017: Measure 101 Debate: More Funds for Medicaid vs. Suspicion With Process

Both sides of the statewide referendum on healthcare taxes say they support funding the Oregon ...

September 27, 2017: Kitzhaber Joins Addiction Experts in Pushing for Coordination on Opioid Epidemic

The former governor joined a drug court judge and others Wednesday morning to discuss Oregon's ...

September 27, 2017: At Forum on Pharmaceutical Costs, Panelists Seek to Dodge Blame

Tuesday’s Oregon Health Forum breakfast, which looked at drug pricing, revealed the complexity of the ...