All Past Events


April 27, 2018: Looking Beyond Healthcare in Effort to Improve Health

Panelists at Oregon Health Forum’s Social Determinants of Health breakfast forum said more data is ...

April 6, 2018: Surveying Healthcare Challenges, Wyden Sees 2017 as a Year of Wins

Speaking from downtown Portland on April 6th, 2018, the U.S. senator said Medicare and children’s ...

March 22, 2018: Leaders Call for Far-Reaching Changes to Meet Oregon’s Healthcare Workforce Needs

How insurance companies pay providers, how universities work with hospitals, how accrediting bodies set requirements, ...

January 30, 2018: Stable, Professional, Transparent: Leaders Articulate Goals for Oregon’s Continued Health Reforms

The week before the state Legislature convenes for a short session, agency leaders and elected ...

December 13, 2017: Measure 101 Debate: More Funds for Medicaid vs. Suspicion With Process

Both sides of the statewide referendum on healthcare taxes say they support funding the Oregon ...

September 27, 2017: Kitzhaber Joins Addiction Experts in Pushing for Coordination on Opioid Epidemic

The former governor joined a drug court judge and others Wednesday morning to discuss Oregon's ...

September 27, 2017: At Forum on Pharmaceutical Costs, Panelists Seek to Dodge Blame

Tuesday’s Oregon Health Forum breakfast, which looked at drug pricing, revealed the complexity of the ...

August 23, 2017: Kickstarting the Conversation: Panelists Explore Obstacles to Providing Healthcare in Schools

Administrative rules, bureaucratic burdens and other obstacles mean Oregon is missing out on at least ...

June 15, 2017: Unintended Consequences of Cannabis Legalization

Event recap: Experts Divided on Unintended Consequences of Legal Marijuana One panelist at Thursday’s Oregon ...

May 31, 2017: Can CCOs and Counties Work for Better Mental Health?

Who should be responsible for delivering care? And, how can we reduce administrative costs and ...