Help Us Expand Our Coverage

Help Us Expand Our Coverage to Washington State!

Thank you for your interest in supporting The Lund Report’s expansion to Washington State! To make a tax-deductible donation to support this important new initiative, click here.

If you’re reading this, you probably already know that since 2009, The Lund Report has been offering in-depth, independent investigative reporting on the health care industry in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our reporters have broken countless stories over the years and have shed light on this complex and vitally important industry, which now represents nearly 18% of the United States’ GDP. Our writers have published stories from all over Oregon including regular coverage of legislative issues through our reporter in Salem.

At our founding, we asked our readership what they most wanted to see on our site. In addition to asking us to cover the skyrocketing cost of health care, the profit margins of Oregon’s health care industry players, and the effect of lobbyists’ influence on health policy, they also told us they wanted to know more about how other states are dealing with rising health care costs and the need for reform.

As part of our ongoing effort to better serve our readers, The Lund Report is now ready to expand our coverage of Washington state, from Vancouver to Olympia and Seattle and beyond, with stories on public policy, health care, legislative developments and significant trends that affect you and the industry.

We can’t do it without your help, though. We are raising $15,000 to cover the cost of this new, expanded reporting. We will gratefully accept gifts of any size to help bring more of the kind of deep, high-quality coverage you’ve come to expect from The Lund Report to stories coming from Washington. Please don’t hesitate; please make your tax-deductible donation today.