Social Media Comment Policy

Social Media Comment Moderation Policy

Oregon Health Forum uses Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to provide easily accessible platforms to host information regarding our events, fundraisers, and initiatives. We welcome comments, ideas, and conversation from all sides of the issues we cover. While our goal is to host productive and educational conversations, we also expect a certain degree of civility on our posts.

OHF monitors all content posted on our pages and reserves the right to immediately remove any comment or post that goes against our posting guidelines. Repeated violation of our comment policy may result in an individual being blocked from accessing our page in the future.

A comment will be deleted if it contains the following:

  • Hate Speech
  • Profanity, vulgarity, or obscenity
  • Defamation to a person or a group
  • Spam comments, such as the same comment posted repeatedly
  • Commercial advertisements or solicitation
  • Endorsement or encouragement of illegal activities
  • Personal information including but not limited to email addresses, telephone numbers, mailing addresses, or any other materials that could be used to target an individual’s personal life
  • Other comments that OHF’s social media team finds inappropriate.

We understand that social media is a 24/7 medium. However, we cannot monitor posts and respond to comments 24/7. We will do our best to monitor posts and remove any harmful content in a timely manner.

Comments posted to OHF social media pages represent the views of the individuals posting said comments, and do not reflect the views or positions of OHF.